Our revolutionary custom Insurance Management Information System is a full
integrated Software for Insurance, Brokers and Agents that works under the following modules;

These are some of the features and capabilities:

  • Multi-user capabilities i.e. more than one users can work concurrently on a network.
  • Multi-Branch i.e. can work in more than one branch and still give consolidated reports.
  • Multi-Currency i.e. can transact in any currency and give one currency final accounts.
  • Cloud based web system – accessible on web, mobile etc.
  • Online and back-office quotations.
  • Automatically generates quotation slips as per predefined underwriting parameters.These go to the client or the insurer as per the desired destination.
  • Ability to generate quotes as per binder terms.
  • Generate and compare quotes from various insurers.
  • Convert quote into policy.
  • Enables you to register and manage policy details.
  • Automatically Generates debit and risk notes, renewal records and associated correspondences.
  • Automatically updates the General Ledger, Client and Insurer’s statement.
  • Enables policy endorsement.
  • Automated policy renewals, renewal diaries, renewal notices, and reminders.
  • Automated policy cancellation
  • Manages co-insurance – ability to post to the lead insurer or the participants.
  • Manages schedules and fleets – ability to either import a preformatted schedule or manually key in the schedules e.g motor fleets, insured staff lists, etc.
  • Gives timely reports on daily, weekly, monthly or yearly production analyzed by date,insurer, branch, risk class, business type ( i.e. new, endorsement, renewal).
  • Automatic Policy/Insurance registers.
  • Real time inquires on clients, policies, debit/credit notes, statements etc.
  • Dynamic search facility in various modules to search for records.These are printable on demand and navigable on a per-client basis.
  • Manages claims process – registers, monitors progress and give real time reports.
  • Facility to Settle/close claims (Claim Credits or Direct Payment).
  • Timely reports on pending, settled, closed/repudiated/withdrawn claims.
  • Facility to generate claims intimation, acknowledgement, notification letters.
  • Automatically generates documents required sheets per class.
  • Gives a claims progress summary report.
  • Claims Aged Analysis, pending claims analysis, settled claims analysis etc.
  • Loss Ratios.